Caught with My Shirt Misbuttoned!

I feel like I am in a sweet moment of my life. One where I can look around and see the “paid off’ of the hard work I’ve put in, the “well done” of the lessons I’ve taught, and the “healed up”, albeit with some remaining scars, of the bumps and bruises life has marked us with. And as I am writing this, I’m fully aware that the other shoe might drop as soon as this gets published, because I also know that life isn’t always easy and we will be tested (1 Peter 4:12, 1 Corinthians 10:13). But I can confidently share these stories because of a life analogy my friend Becky shared with me. As soon as she said it, I was convinced of it. I hope you will consider it too:

Imagine buttoning your blouse, starting from the top button and working down. If you mistakenly put the second button in the third hole, for the rest of the day you will be off. You will have a gap between button holes two and three, your shirttails will be uneven at the bottom, and you will get some funny looks. Case in point, I recently presented this idea to my girlfriends. As I stood and started misbuttoning, they immediately tried to stop me, saying, “Kristie, you missed one, your buttons are off ….” I told them I did it on purpose, explaining that if we don’t give our first and most precious time and attention to God (button #1), followed by our spouse, then our kids, or if we put our children (button #3) as a priority above our spouse and/or God, our day will be off. We will have a gaping hole, and our life will be misaligned.

Hearing Becky explain this analogy, and again when I was the one explaining it, I was challenged: Is God my first priority? Does He stay in the top spot throughout my day? And when He isn’t, what am I putting above Him?

I’ve been reading the Old Testament in a year, ending June 30th. I’ve had a great rhythm of getting up early with my husband and reading while sipping coffee together on our sun porch. So, I feel good that I am starting my day with God in the top buttonhole, but when kids wake up, when the day gets out of whack, when an unexpected situation crashes in, am I turning to the Lord in prayer, in petition, in gratitude, and keeping Him in the top spot?

The mental picture of the misbuttoned shirt encourages me to consider my priorities. It’s allowing me to be less stressed by the end of the school year “Mayhem” because I truly believe God’s got it all under control – the world, my family, me. He provides peace and assurance daily, as well as delight and amusement as I look forward to our daughter’s graduation ceremony and friends’ parties.

This doesn’t mean I’m wearing rose-colored glasses. As I reflect on the past year, which has included some amazing celebrations, as well as tragedy, I see God’s hand in all of it. Recently, I was at one of my favorite local places and had a flashback of times there with my children as toddlers. As I watched a woman hold one child on her hip and the hand of another, my eyes swelled with tears. It doesn’t seem all that long ago that I was holding their hands securely in parking lots, getting multiple kisses and snuggle-hugs at bedtime, and being the center of their universe. Now, I’m the shortest of the family and barely get a kiss on the cheek goodnight (but I’m happy to get it). Instead of starting the pity party that many friends tell me will come once my daughter goes out of state for college, I think how lucky that I might get another shot at these fun moments in our future grandchildren’s lives.

I’m also fully aware that the future is not guaranteed (Proverbs 27:1, Philippians 4:6-7). On Mother’s Day, we were recounting our blessings, and silly family memories, and a discussion began around the number of people we’ve cared for or lost in the past 8 years. In short order, we counted 8 close friends or family members that have experienced deaths too early, fought cancer, heart and/or stroke disabilities. We stopped before listing the number of lives that have changed due to divorces and financial difficulties in the same period. This conversation was weighty and stayed with me for several days.

I can press on in these situations because I know God is right here with me. I can call out to Him, joke with Him, fall on my knees and plead with Him. Instead of worrying about the next shoe to drop, I am increasing my intimacy with God, asking for His guidance, prompting Him to show me His path. While reading the Book of Jeremiah, I came upon the Lord saying these promises regarding His new covenant:

“I will surely gather them from all the lands where I banish them in My furious anger and great wrath; I will bring them back to this place and let them live in safety. They will be My people, and I will be their God. I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear Me and that all will then go well for them and for their children after them. I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good to them, and I will inspire them to fear Me, so that they will never turn away from Me. I will rejoice in doing them good and will assuredly plant them in this land with all My heart and soul.”
Jeremiah 32:37-41, emphasis mine.

God’s offer of singleness of heart and action is a confirmation of the buttonhole concept. The commentary explains this as prioritizing God above all else, a promise of inner transformation to one heart and one way. We have this new covenant available to us today, as a result of a relationship with Jesus. Isn’t it amazing that God would reveal this verse the same week I am writing this blog? Which of course only prompts me to read more scripture, go deeper in my prayer time, and share more of my findings with friends and family. Interestingly, the increased intimacy with the Lord has had a trickling effect on the intimacy with my husband (button #2), with intentional time spent together and deeper conversations.

This oneness with God is what allows me to be satisfied. I can feel the elation of what life holds, and the deep sadness of the loss we’ve endured/are enduring because I am secure in the future He has planned for me (Jeremiah 29:11-13). I know tests and trials are ahead. I know great celebrations are right around the corner too. I am keeping my eyes on God (Psalm 123:1-4)… and telling the enemy to stay away! (Matthew 4:10).

Life happens. Some of it is caused by the enemy, and some are just small changes that disrupt our schedules, pulling us away from the time we desire to give to God. Remember my daily, sunrise scripture reading? Well a sweet new Labrador puppy is interrupting my routine by nipping at my toes, and trying to eat the Bible pages, so I’ve had to pivot and spend more time talking with God as I take the puppy outside, fully accepting that my Old Testament in a year finish date has shifted to July 30th. Or when I have more moments of realizing college drop off is getting nearer, and thoughts of how our foursome will never be the same as it is now, I am nudged by the Holy Spirit saying that I can’t be my kids’ universe, because they need to put God in their first buttonhole. And I’m … getting better with this thought. I love my family to pieces, and their Heavenly Dad loves them even more than I or they can imagine.

Please pray with me:
Lord, Your vast love amazes me. Please keep nudging me to prioritize my buttons correctly, and encourage my friends to speak up when they notice I am misbuttoned. You have much better plans, and dreams, and fulfillment for me, I strive to be obedient to You and Your teachings. Thank You for keeping me calm and satisfied in a time when many are frantic. I desire more of You Lord, your loving daughter. Amen.

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