My Worth = My Shame (and other lies we are tempted to believe)

Have you ever heard or read a great message that resonated so much, that you thought, “This week, I am going to start taking steps towards that [insert inspiring action step here]?” If you’re like me, this happens on a fairly regular basis. I believe it’s how God steers me to challenge and grow. Because God is so awesome, He knows that sometimes (or many times!) I need reminders of these messages I heard and the actions I was to take. He recently did this for me through one of the pastors of our church. 

During his recent sermon, our pastor made a statement that he may have well been prophetically sharing with me one-on-one at our local coffee shop. And it was familiar. It was not the first time he had shared this from the stage, nor the first time it had spoken to me so profoundly. But it hit extra hard this time because I realized that I had way more progress to make. I knew this was the wake-up call I needed to effectively move into new spaces and opportunities in my life. (The fact that he was bringing it up again gave me peace of mind that at least I am in good company!)

His message was on the power of the Holy Spirit (more on that later) and the statement he made was this:

“My worth = my performance + peoples’ opinions of me.”

Perhaps someone reading this can relate? It’s like he reached into my brain and read this billboard that serves as a barrier between my current state and my potential. Over the years, I have even leaned into similar truths, truths such as:

“My worth = my faults + my failures.”

“My worth = my ability to do and be good.”

“My worth = my shame.”

During this message, I was reminded of my weakness. I realized that while I have addressed this worthiness/identity stuff in the past, old thought patterns were creeping in. I believe it’s because I am at a very vulnerable time in my life. I am starting a new business. I feel the weight of expectations and the fear of not delivering. I’m suddenly dealing with Impostor Syndrome. My foundation is weakened, and cracks are setting in. Before I let the enemy fill in those cracks with shame, doubt, and unworthiness, I need to, with urgency, lean into the only One who can effectively fill in those cracks and strengthen my foundation. After all, He is in the business of using broken things (and people) to do His greatest work. God has filled in cracks before, and I have no doubt He will fill these in too. 

As a matter of fact, this is EXACTLY why Jesus came. 

He gave up His life for you and me so that our worth would NOT be those things that the world says it is in. My pastor further pointed out that while our distorted definitions of worthiness, things like shame and failures, have the potential to keep us trapped in our past or in things we cannot change, the good news is that, as Christians, we do not have to live trapped. The power of the Holy Spirit gives us the power to know our worth and to “Kick out the trash-talking voice of shame.” As 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, we are new creations in Christ.

So, to kick out the trash talker, here are a few things I am doing to strengthen the foundation of my worth, using the Stop, Start, Continue approach: 


For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. – 2 Timothy 1:7

I need to stop focusing on negative thoughts and worrying about what others are doing and/or thinking. I will do this by focusing on my “START” action below. I will also stop filling my time by picking up my phone. I’ve been trying to work on this for a while now and while I’m getting better, I believe this simple exercise will keep me better focused on my priorities.  


“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

My start action is inspired by my friend and author, Beth Guckenberger. She would say, we need to punch first. (And she wrote a fantastic book about it, “Punch First”.) I love this posture because punching first leaves us anything but trapped. We know the enemy’s schemes. They’re quite simple and effective but we have a God, who is far more complex and victorious. When we know our vulnerabilities and weaknesses, we can stand armed in His truth that goes against anything the enemy will try to convince us of. I will proactively identify my doubts and negative shameful thoughts and reframe them with God‘s truth and will do so in a journal so I have it written down to regularly refer to. So, for example, knowing that I have doubts such as, Who am I to start a business like this? What if I fail?  I can write down God’s truth which says that He uniquely created me to do His work, and this is the work I have been called to do. He also promises that His plans and timing are far better than mine. He goes before me. So, with His truth, I am armed with knowing and trusting that I am uniquely equipped and called to this work, and I need to be patient and rest in knowing that He will walk with me in my work. 


“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know … His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms.”  Ephesians 1:18-20

Begin and close each day with prayer and gratitude. I could write an entire piece on the importance of starting our day in His Word, but quite simply, grounding each day in His truth is THE BEST way to get in front of the enemy’s schemes and to ground us as we face the day. And I have been trying to make it a practice each night to write down something I am grateful for, and where I saw God show up in the day. These two simple things take no more than five minutes, but they can completely change how I feel as I go to sleep. Inviting God‘s presence (instead of my Instagram feed) into my heart as my head hits the pillow… I cannot think of a better way to close out the day.  

It doesn’t have to be Easter for us to rejoice in and celebrate the resurrection and all it means for us. We have the power to strengthen our foundation at any time. What might you STOP, START, and CONTINUE? 

Lord, thank You for the power You have given us through Your Holy Spirit to be strong and stand against the enemy’s schemes. Thank You for loving us so much that You came to give us Your power. I pray today that You give me discipline and discernment in my Stop, Start, and Continue actions. I give thanks and praise to You for replacing my fears, doubts, and shames with confidence and peace in knowing that my identity is solidified in You and not in anything else of this world. To You all the glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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