In What Direction are You Heading?

Over the past several years, it has become clear that most of the “I will nevers” I’ve declared in my life have actually become realities. For instance, upon having my first child, I declared, “I will never drive a minivan.” Sure enough, when child number two came along, I found myself driving a Honda Odyssey off the dealership lot. Somewhere along the way I also declared that I would never send my children to a private school, as we have many great public schools in our region. However, I found myself enrolling them in the private Christian school we have now called home for nearly two decades. And in my most recent example, I said I would never be a consultant or start my own business. Sure enough, I am within days of starting my own consultancy. Yes, I have indeed learned over time to never state “I will never…” about anything. I have also learned that it’s because God’s plans are way bigger than my wants or desires. 

Take delight in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4

This is a verse that has tripped up many believers, including myself. I think it’s because we read it more like, “If I am a believer and try to follow Jesus, God will give me what I desire, as long as it’s good.” If I sit in this self-defined idea, I can be easily disappointed by God when things don’t go my way. I once read somewhere that there is a big difference between the desires of your heart and your heart’s desire. As believers, we likely all have our heart’s desires, both of this world (I would love to ditch that minivan for a new car) and of God’s eternal Kingdom (I want my sons’ hearts to steer towards Jesus each day). But to be open to God giving us the desires of our hearts, that’s different. 

A friend once shared a great illustration of following God that I think describes this quite well. She was likening her faith walk to a compass, trying to head in the direction of true north, but knowing she was always a few degrees off. Well, imagine, if you stay on the path just a few degrees off, even one degree, over time you’re heading further and further away from north. You’re essentially charting your own path, and it’s not north, not in alignment with God. It’s actually northeast or northwest which is, you guessed it, not north and heading off-track. This reminds me of the lesson King Solomon learned in his pursuit of things of the world – “Everything is meaningless!” (Ecclesiastes 1).

With true north in mind, if I am taking delight in the Lord, I am working to stay on that true north path. It means I’m not looking to get my delight from the things of this world. I’m not shifting my eyes northwest. And as I draw closer and closer to Him, finding my peace and fulfillment in Him, my delight steers to Him. The result? I become a vessel to receive His desires for my heart and not my own. And outwardly, my desires start to parallel His desires as He transforms my desires to reflect His purposes. 

God’s response to our delight in Him may not always meet our timing or expectations. His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8–9), and His timing is beyond our comprehension. He may even use delays or redirections to refine our desires and strengthen our faith in Him. But we can be assured He will grant desires that align with His will and glory (Romans 11:36). This means that not every request will be granted; rather, the desires of our hearts – the ones He gives us as we receive – will be fulfilled in ways that accomplish His purpose for our lives (Romans 8:28). 

I love the compass visual for several reasons, but most importantly, it’s a practical and strong reminder that with the compass in hand, even if we’re heading a bit off track, we can always get back on track, knowing true north is the direction we’re heading. Because we will ALL get off track. We’re not perfect. Only Jesus is perfect. And how incredible that we have His example to show us what it looks like to walk in the direction of North. His grace to cover us when we get off track.  His mercy to show us the way again. God loves us so much. He knew we would need this and He has gifted it to all of us.  We only need to receive it.

For me, my heart’s desires are a constant struggle. I am very easily tempted by the things of this world, and if I am not closely abiding in Jesus, I can too easily head off course (more like full-on east than northeast!) The pretty shiny things and the desire to please others are magnetic pulls away from north. However, the deeper I am steeped in my relationship with Him, the easier it is to resist that pull.

It is not lost on me that the things “of the world” that I do desire and sometimes receive (cars, homes, promotions, money, health, friendships, etc.) are all blessings from the hand of God. But seeking Him first above all these things must be the focus of my heart, knowing that, in His time, He will bless us with all we need and more. And if we truly place priority on the Lord, chances are our heart’s greatest desire will not be a brand-new car to replace that beat-up old mini-van you swore you’d never have, but eternal treasures in Christ. This world will never satisfy our deepest longings, but if we choose to delight in God’s way, He will provide above and beyond our expectations. Jesus said, “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14).

Lord, thank You for Your mercy, grace, and truth on my journey. I’m sorry when I fix my eyes on things of this world more than I fix them on You. I pray You help me to steer my heart and delight towards You, and that You give me desires that are in alignment with Your truth and character. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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